Sunday, 30 September 2012

Creating Comic Strips

This week in literacy we will be exploring the story of 'Max' by Bob Graham.

We will be using the story to create our very own superhero comic strips.

Comic strips have captions to tell us more about the pictures and speech bubbles to show us what the characters are saying.

What do you think Max is saying in this picture?

Comment below to let us know...

Saturday, 22 September 2012

Super Year 1!

This week we start our SUPERHEROES topic!

Don't forget to start thinking about your home learning project and design your own super hero!

What power will your super hero have?

What will their costume look like?

Will they have any gadgets to help them?

Bring your projects to school by Monday 22nd October so that we can share your amazing ideas-We can't wait!

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Fun counting in year one!

This week in maths we have been practicing different counting songs and learning about more and less.

Can you remember this song?

What is one more than five?
What is two less than 10?

Comment below to let us know!